Automata, on Cue!

After three long months of waiting, I present you with the first ever Tale Foundry novella! Clocking in at two hours, this is the longest (and strangest) thing we’ve ever made. We’ll never do it again, so treat this as a send-off to a more experimental, less reliable period of the show.

In a harebrained scheme to humiliate two sprawling internet communities, a forgotten machine and a sinister stranger don their disguises and begin a doomed show.

Introducing her loveliness, Barbette.

“The Wilting Sound”

All spindle sylph are born with a twin; a mirror image of themselves who shares the half of their soul. But there’s a revelation that’s sweeping through their lands, changing the way they see each other. How will these creatures face the new, impending solitude? How will they face the Quiet?

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“From a Seedling of Cast-Off Self”

How does a species attain its perfection? What must mankind do to hurdle all barriers and begin its ascension? Under the guidance of their long-dead exemplar, a master and pupil embark on a journey to find out.

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“If We Were a Picture Show”

Mankind stands at the brink of a new frontier: digital reality. An R&D team has developed a way for people to explore it, but who says they’re ready?

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“There’s something wrong with grandma Kathy.”

Miriam’s grandmother has been insisting that all the lights in the apartment stay on at all times. It seems like simple, if very annoying, paranoia. That is, until Miriam turns the lights out herself and discovers the truth behind her grandma’s strange obsession.

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“Child of the Tide”

A sequel to last year’s story “Devil of the Cradle,” this time we follow the changeling child Lorchan as he ventures into fae territory. The question is: will he find himself, or will something else find him?…

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“Memento Mori” — Original Short Story

Aaalright, so we’ve talked about how Rowling approaches Allegory in her fiction. Now it’s time to look at some examples. This stuff is crazy good.

PS – HUGE SPOILER WARNING. This video is spoiler incarnate. You have been warned.

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“Computer Vision Syndrome”— Original Creepypasta

Do you ever get the feeling you’ve been staring at the computer screen for a little to long? Ever feel like your vision isn’t adjusted for the real world anymore?

Maybe that movement in your peripherals is more than your tired eyes playing tricks on you.

One way to find out for sure…

And with this we wrap up our Creepypasta series! Phew. It’s been a wild, very tiresome ride. None of us will ever look at an uncurtained window or a closet door the same again.

Hope you all enjoyed it! Sleep well~

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“Simulacrum” — Original Short Story — Pokemon Month

Have you ever felt more at home in the fiction you love than in real life? Rin is going through something similar, and it’s shaping her in an interesting way…

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