Automata, on Cue!

After three long months of waiting, I present you with the first ever Tale Foundry novella! Clocking in at two hours, this is the longest (and strangest) thing we’ve ever made. We’ll never do it again, so treat this as a send-off to a more experimental, less reliable period of the show.

In a harebrained scheme to humiliate two sprawling internet communities, a forgotten machine and a sinister stranger don their disguises and begin a doomed show.

Introducing her loveliness, Barbette.

“The Wilting Sound”

All spindle sylph are born with a twin; a mirror image of themselves who shares the half of their soul. But there’s a revelation that’s sweeping through their lands, changing the way they see each other. How will these creatures face the new, impending solitude? How will they face the Quiet?

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A video long overdue…

This video is long overdue.

In January of this year we opened a GoFundMe campaign for my mother who was (and to some extent still is) going through some terrible times. Because of the cascade of events and how much she was giving in terms of time and money to help the people around her stay afloat, her life was falling apart.

We didn’t expect much when we opened the campaign. I remember telling my team mate, Chloe, that I’d be shocked and elated if we even broke $5,000. Imagine our surprise when together, you contributed $10,000 within the first 24hrs, and then when you all went on to contribute $21,000 in the month following.

A veil has been lifted from our eyes. We see you, and feel your love, and appreciate you. We might not know each of you, we might not be able to interact with you on an individual basis, but the feeling of love and gratitude is very real.

To everyone who donated or helped to spread the word, thank you. You’ve saved my mother from ruin, and saved my family.


—Benji and the Tale Foundry Team

6 Creatures of Slavic Myth

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How Baba Yaga Mangles Slavic Mythology

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“From a Seedling of Cast-Off Self”

How does a species attain its perfection? What must mankind do to hurdle all barriers and begin its ascension? Under the guidance of their long-dead exemplar, a master and pupil embark on a journey to find out.

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